List Of Verbs In English Regular And Irregular Pdf
Irregular Verb List By YourDictionary English has so many irregular verbs that you begin to wonder if there are any regular ones. Dont worry. Appendix English irregular verbs Wiktionary. Yeast Powerpoint Template on this page. This is a list of irregular verbs in the English language. The citation form the infinitive comes first with a link to the Wiktionary article on the verb, together with the present tense forms when they are different, then the preterite or simple past, and finally the past participle. The right hand column notes whether they are weak or strong and whether they belong to a subclass, and links to discussions elsewhere. A complete list of English irregular verbs, including meanings and verb conjugations for the base form, past simple, past participle, 3rd person singular, present. Singular and Plural Irregular English Verb Chart By YourDictionary Usually when you see a chart with irregular verbs, it only contains the different forms of the. Practical suggestions for teaching regular and irregular verbs. This is a list of irregular verbs in the English language. The citation form the infinitive comes first with a link to the Wiktionary article on the. Typical irregularities in weak verbs are the assimilation of dentals bended bent and vowel reduction keeped kept. Many of these verbs are irregular in British or American English only, such as spell spelt vs. American English uses the regular form, while British English tends to favor the irregular. List Of Verbs In English Regular And Irregular Pdf' title='List Of Verbs In English Regular And Irregular Pdf' />A list of the irregular verbs in English with their past simple and past participle, and lots of practice exercises. Here you can find worksheets and activities for teaching Irregular verbs to kids, teenagers or adults, beginner intermediate or advanced levels. In other cases, the opposite is true dived and sneaked in Britain, also dove and snuck in the U. S. Australian English tends to follow British practice, while Canadian English often sides with American usage. In this table, the preferred or more common usage is generally listed first, though for some words usage is nearly equal for both choices. This table includes selected archaic forms marked. Strong, class 1arise arose arisen. Strong, class 1awake awoke awoken. Strong, class 6be waswere been. A suppletive verb. See Indo European copula. Strong, class 4beat beat beatenbeatbrowbeat browbeat browbeaten. Strong, class 7become became becomemisbecome misbecame misbecome. Strong, class 4befall befell befallen. Strong, class 7beget begotegat begottenbegotmisbeget misbegot misbegottenmisbegot. Strong, class 5begin began begun. Strong, class 3bend bentbended bentbendedoverbend overbent overbentunbend unbent unbent. Weak with assimilation of dentalsbereave bereavedbereft bereavedbereft. Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentalsbeseech besoughtbeseeched besoughtbeseeched. Weak with Rckumlaut and Germanic spirant lawbeset beset beset. Weak with assimilation of dentalsbet betbetted betbetted. Weak with assimilation of dentalsbid in cards, auctions, etc. Weak with assimilation of dentalsbid meaning to request or say badebidbidded biddenbidbidded. Strong, class 5bide bidedbode bidedbidden. Strong, class 1bind bound boundoundenunbind unbound unboundunderbind underbound underbound. Strong, class 3bite bit bitten. Strong, class 1bleed bled bled. Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentalsbless blessedblest blessedblest blow blew blownoverblow overblew overblown. Strong, class 7break broke broken. Strong, class 4breed bred bredinbreed inbred inbredinterbreed interbred interbredoverbreed overbred overbred. Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentalsbring brought broughtroughten. Weak with Rckumlaut and Germanic spirant lawbuild built builtoverbuild overbuilt overbuiltrebuild rebuilt rebuilt. Weak with assimilation of dentalsburn burnedburnt burntburned. Weakburst burstburstedrast burstburstedursten. Strong, class 3buy bought boughtboughtenoverbuy overbought overboughtunderbuy underbought underbought. Weak with Rckumlaut and Germanic spirant lawcan aux. Preterite presentcast cast castbroadcast broadcast broadcastforecast forecast forecastmiscast miscast miscastovercast overcast overcastpodcast podcast podcastrecast recast recastsimulcast simulcast simulcastundercast undercast undercastwebcast webcast webcast. Weak with assimilation of dentalscatch caught caught. Weak a French loanword conjugated perhaps by analogy with teach taughtchoose chose chosenmischoose mischose mischosen. Strong, class 2cleave split apart clove clovencleft. Strong, class 2cleave cling to cleftcleaved cleftcleaved. Weak with vowel reductionlepe clepedclept clepedcleptyclept. Weak with assimilation of dentalscling clangclung clung. Strong, class 3clothe clothedclad clothedcladunclothe unclothedunclad unclothedunclad. Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentalscome came comeovercome overcame overcome. Strong, class 4cost cost cost. Weak with assimilation of dentalscreep crept creptropen. Strong, class 2cut cut cutcrosscut crosscut crosscutintercut intercut intercutundercut undercut undercut. Weak with assimilation of dentalsdeal dealt dealtmisdeal misdealt misdealt. Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentalsdig dug dugunderdig underdug underdug dive diveddove dived. Strong, class 2do did donemisdo misdid misdoneoutdo outdid outdoneoverdo overdid overdoneredo redid redoneundo undid undoneunderdo underdid underdone. Reduplication with past participle springing from OE gedondrag drugdragged drugdragged. Strong, class 6draw drew drawnoverdraw overdrew overdrawnredraw redrew redrawnunderdraw underdrew underdrawn. Strong, class 6dream dreameddreamt dreameddreamt. Weak with vowel reduction assimilation of dentalsdress dressedrest dresseddrestoverdress overdressedoverdrest overdressedoverdrestunderdress underdressedunderdrest underdressedunderdrestundress undressedundrest undressedundrest drink drankdrunk drankdrunkdrunkenoverdrink overdrank overdrunk. Strong, class 3drive droverave drivenoverdrive overdrove overdriven. Strong, class 1dwell dweltdwelled dweltdwelled. Weak with assimilation of dentalseat ate eatenovereat overate overeaten. Strong, class 5fall fell fallen. Strong, class 7feed fed fedmisfeed misfed misfedoverfeed overfed overfedunderfeed underfed underfed. Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentalsfeel felt felt. Weak with assimilation of dentalsfight fought foughtfoughten. Strong, class 3find found foundounden. Strong, class 3fit fitfitted fitfitted. Weak with assimilation of dentalsflee fled fled. Strong, class 2fling flung flung. Strong, class 3fly flew flownoverfly overflew overflown. Strong, class 2forbid forbadforbadeforbid forbidforbidden. Strong, class 5forecast forecast forecastforecasted. Weak with assimilation of dentalsforego forewent foregone. Suppletive. See go verb. Suppletive. See go verb. Strong, class 5forgive forgave forgiven. Strong, class 5forsake forsook forsaken. Strong, class 6freeze frozerore frozenroren. Strong, class 2get got gottengotmisget misgot misgottenunderget undergot undergotten. Strong, class 5gird girtgirded girtgirdedundergird undergirtundergirded undergirtundergirded. Weak with assimilation of dentalsgive gave givenmisgive misgave misgiven. Strong, class 5go went goneundergo underwent undergone. Suppletive. See go verb. Strong, class 6grind groundgrinded groundrounden. Strong, class 3grow grew grownoutgrow outgrew outgrownovergrow overgrew overgrownregrow regrew regrownundergrow undergrew undergrown. Strong, class 7hang hunghanged hunghangedunderhang underhung underhung. Strong, class 7 weak past tense and present influenced by OE causative hangianhave had had. Weak pret. and past participle spring from O. E. haefdhear heard heardmishear misheard misheardoverhear overheard overheard. Weak with vowel reduction and assimilation of dentalshew hewhewed hewnhewedunderhew underhewed underhewnunderhewed. Strong, class 7hide hid hidhidden. Weak vowel reduction and assimilation of dentalshit hit hitmishit mishit mishit. Weak with assimilation of dentalshold held heldoldenbehold beheld beheld. Strong, class 7hurt hurt hurt. Weak with assimilation of dentalskeep kept keptmiskeep miskept miskept.