Dell Optiplex Bios Update Failed

Modern BIOS Management using Web Services during OSD with Config. Mgr System Center Config. Mgr. To give you a bit of background to this post, Nickolaj and I sat down back in February and discussed some of the pain points in relation to OS deployments. The main theme that community members had was around the area of driver management, with conflicts over driver package best practices, performance issues and general overhead for the Config. Mgr administrator. Back in late March of this year we released our Modern Driver Management method of dynamically managing driver deployments as part of your OS deployments http www. The process works by utilizing a number of tools we have developed to fully automate the process of driver management from the download step right through to deployment at the client. MBMTSScreen3.jpg' alt='Dell Optiplex Bios Update Failed' title='Dell Optiplex Bios Update Failed' />Dell Optiplex Bios Update FailedDell Optiplex Bios Update FailedDell Optiplex Bios Update FailedThe Dell OptiPlex 780 supports a range of business needs, from increased user productivity to IT requirements such as robust manageability, security and energy. WARNING Before working inside your computer, read the safety information that shipped with your computer. For additional safety best practices information, see the. View and Download Dell OptiPlex N service manual online. Service Manual. pdf. OptiPlex N Desktop pdf manual download. Dell Optiplex Bios Update Failed' title='Dell Optiplex Bios Update Failed' />Modern BIOS Management. Since then we have been thinking about some of the issues and points raised by the community around the area of BIOS deployments, and how best to handle them. Dell has been pushing their Flash. BIOS tool recently allowing for BIOS upgrades during the Win. PE phase of your OS deployment. Now with additions to all parts of our Modern Driver Management engine we are pleased to support the automatic deployment of Dell BIOS updates in your task sequence using our Modern BIOS Management. Oh and for those of you who were looking for Lenovo and HP, we are working on it and we should be publishing a Lenovo update shortly and hopefully following up with HP at a later date. How Does It Work The process is broken down into three key steps 1. Automate BIOS Package Downloads Creation Driver Automation ToolThis initial step uses our Driver Automation Tool which currently supports a number of manufacturers Dell, HP, Lenovo, Microsoft Acer for drivers and a subset DellLenovo for BIOS downloads. It is vital that the tool is used in this process as it standardizes the naming convention of packages and includes tools which we will utilize later on in this process. Note Version 3. 8 should be used as a minimum as there have been changes to the BIOS update process. Groovy Download File Http more. The tool can be downloaded from Technet  https gallery. Driver Tool Automate 9ddcc. Launch the Driver Tool and connect the GUI to your Config. Mgr environment by entering the name of your Site Server and hitting the Connect To SCCM button. We now need to select the Deployment Platform as Config. Mgr  Standard Pkg, then pick BIOS as the Download Type and pick your OSArchitecture. On the Manufacturer Tab select the vendors you wish to display models for and then hit the Find Models button. Select the models from the list you wish to download packages for and hit the Add to Import List button. On the Driver Storage Locations tab enter in UNC path for the Repository Path. Click on the Distribution Tab and select the DPs or DP Groups you wish to distribute the content to. Click Enable Binary Differential Replication if required. Click on the Start Download and Import Process to kick off the BIOS downloads. Once downloaded you should end up with something like this in your Config. Mgr console Download Tool In action 2. Automate Config. Mgr Data Retrieval Config. Mgr Web. ServiceModern BIOS Management solution requires the Config. Mgr Web. Service to be installed in your environment, with the minimum of version 1. Detailed installation steps can be found in the documentation included in the package, downloadable from the following link https gallery. Config. Mgr Web. Service 1. The web service is a key function to this process as it will be used during the task sequence to query the available packages from Config. Mgr using the Get. CMPackage function and through logic in a Power. Shell script, match available BIOS packages to the model and manufacturer of the machine being deployed. Automate Downloads Installations. Adding the steps for Modern BIOS Management could not be simpler. Download the following scripts required from the following BIOS Package Detection Script https github. Nickolaj. APower. ShellblobmasterConfig. MgrOS2. 0DeploymentInvoke CMDownload. BIOSPackage. ps. 1BIOS Update Script Dell https github. Nickolaj. APower. ShellblobmasterConfig. MgrOS2. 0DeploymentInvoke Dell. BIOSUpdate. ps. 1The Invoke CMDownload. BIOSPackage script will automatically detect the computer model and manufacturer, calling the Config. Mgr Web. Service for BIOS packages matching those values. In the case of multiple packages that match the criteria, the most current package will be selected based upon the Source. Date property of the package object. If theres no matches at all, the script will exit with a return code of 1, causing the deployment to fail. In terms of logging, the script is writing to a separate log file called BIOSPackage. Download. log located in the same directory as the smsts. Follow this four step process to implement the script referenced above Package the Invoke CMDownload. BIOSPackage Invoke Dell. Mugen Kingdom Hearts Stages Download Yahoo. BIOSUpdate. ps. 1 Power. Shell scripts and distribute them. Add a Run Power. Shell Script command after the Apply Operating System phase, calling the Invoke CMDownload. BIOSPackage. ps. 1 script with parameters for the following. URI URL of the Config. Mgr. Web service example http configmgr. Config. Mgr. Web. ServiceConfig. Mgr. Secret. Key The secret key used to connect to the Config. Mgr. Web. Service site. Filter In this instance enter the term BIOSBIOSPackage. Download Log Starting detection method. BIOSPackage. Download Log Showing a matching package. The next step is to add a Download Package Content step. We recommend that you select a small package here, a determined value contained within the OSDDownload. Download. Packages hidden task sequence variable is used to add the BIOS package to this list. The package selected here in the UI can be considered a dummy package, and will not be downloaded. A custom path should be specified for the download path, in this example we are using the built in package variable SMSTSMData. Path with a sub folder called BIOS SMSTSMData. PathBIOS and assigning it to a variable called BIOSPackageThe final step is to use the Invoke Dell. BIOSUpdate. ps. 1 powershell script to apply the BIOS update, using the BIOSPackage. BIOS update 0. 1 indicates the first package downloaded which in this case will be the only package as the newest package is selected and downloadedNote Some older Dell models do not support Flash. W, so if a failure code other than 2 which indicates a reboot is detected, a task sequence variable SMSTSBIOSIn. OSUpdate. Required is set. You can then use this as variable as a condition to re run the powershell script in the OS section of your task sequence, as the script will detect it is no longer in Win. PE and attempt to update the BIOS using the legacy method. See Modern BIOS Management in action. Below is a capture of the Modern BIOS Management process running on a Dell Latitude E5. BIOS Update Log. The BIOS update log is also written into the SMS log folder during deployment so you can review this post deployment Things To Note For those of you running previous versions of the tool, the individual script created for updating the BIOS has been removed as this is superseded by the Invoke Dell. BIOSUpdate. ps. 1 script. For Lenovo downloads, please select download type as All and select an appropriate OS to get a model listing.

This entry was posted on 11/12/2017.